Ulladulla Newsagency

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Ulladulla Newsagency. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment. You can find Ulladulla Newsagency at 15 Wason Street, Ulladulla, New South Wales 2539.


Postal address:
15 Wason Street, Ulladulla, New South Wales 2539
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Phone number:
+61 2 4455 1339

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Reviews about Ulladulla Newsagency

  • Michelle Richards
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Abysmal. Unless you like mysoginistic, angry men, avoid this place like the plague!!
    Never in my 10 years working in retail (or my 30 years of life) have I witnessed anyone act as badly as the manager of this news agency did this morning when I went in as a paying customer. He is a middle aged looking man with brown hair (and a beer gut), a foul mouth and a clear anger management problem.
    I went in to get keys cut, which he started, and after waiting almost 15 minutes and having every other person through the doors served before me, I politely said I was in a bit of a hurry (was on my way to work) and how long would it take as I might have to come back.
    The tirade of verbal abuse that came back at me was an absolute shock. I am still in shock. He literally YELLED in my face that those other customers were "spending more money" than me and if I had a problem I should go somewhere else. When I suggested that perhaps I would, he threw the keys he'd been cutting accross the room, screamed at me to "GET OUT THEN", and when I became visibly upset he yelled at me to "go have a sook to a f***ing therapist", mocked my tears making "boo hoo" noises and continued to abuse me as I left the store, yelling at me that I was a "f***ing sook", "whinger", "princess", and continued to yell at me as I walked, crying, to my car parked outside.
    I'm still in shock... I live in the area and will do my best to make sure that people know to avoid this place. What an absolute piece of work that guy is.... lost for words!
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About ulladullanewsagency.com.au

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